Hooray for Boobs!!
September 26, 2012
Halloween time for Sissies
September 30, 2012
Hooray for Boobs!!
September 26, 2012
Halloween time for Sissies
September 30, 2012

First of all, let me say that being a good, loving Mommy to my little ABies is one of the most rewarding things I ever done in my lifetime. Mostly my Adult Babies are good ABies, but sometimes Mommies have to be strict and use discipline to teach you acceptable behavior. I always make the punishment fit the crime!!

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Now, on the more playful side of things, I take great pride in helping my Abies fulfill their desires. After all, that’s what a good Mommy does. They teach, guide, nurture and protect their little ABies. In return, the loyalty and adoration received by my ABies makes it all worth it 10 times over.

So that is one of the many, many reasons why I love being a Mommy!


Mommy Maggie



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