August 23, 2012

Punished by Mommy: For your Own Good

Oh honey, what is Mommy Lexus going to do with you?  Here we are, in the middle of the mall, and you go and piss your pants, making a puddle in the middle of the floor.  I am so disappointed in you right now (and more than just a tad upset and angry)!  It seems I have no choice but to put you in diapers – after cleaning you up first of course.  Now now, stop your fussing.  Yes, I’m going to clean and diaper you here on the bench […]
April 18, 2012

Obey your ABDL Mommy…Or Else…

Now normally, my little adult abie is well behaved, says please and thank you, and minds his manners, as well as his AB Mommy.  But from time to time, my normally sweet and loving abie gets a little too big for his britches, or in this case, his diapers, and decides that he is going to talk back to mommy or *gasp* disobey.   Now I don’t know about how your Mommy handles an aby when they get out of hand, but this mommy is a no-nonsense, firm disciplinarian, take-you-over-my-knee-and-spank-you-till-I-break-your-will […]
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