January 19, 2019

Ready To Go To Abdl Daycare?

I think we need an abdl daycare.  A safe place made just for abdl’s and their abdl Mommy’s would be a lot of fun! All the babies can play with each other while the Mommies chat and watch over their little ones.  Best of all is that even if a Mommy takes her eyes off her baby, she’ll know that with all the Mommies there that the chance of her baby being able to get up to something is very slim.  Playing fun games with the other babies will be […]
December 7, 2018

Silly Adult Babies Get Spankings

  So, what do you think I should be doing with you? You are a silly adult baby, and you think that you can say no to me when I’m telling you to come over to me so I can put you back in your diaper after your bath? If you are thinking for just a second that there might be the slightest chance that I won’t bend you over my lap and smack your little bottom till it’s red and you will be crying so hard that you won’t […]
June 24, 2012

Mommy Maggie Gave Me A Spanking

I was spanked and spanked good the other day! I was in the chat room, just minding my own business. Doing what every other red blooded American Diaper Girl does…drawing with blue marker all over Mommy Maggie’s kitchen…and I got spanked for it! Oh and I also put a live bunny in the fridge, BUT I told her not to look in there! She picked me up and spanked me, over my pretty frilly diaper cover, right there in front of EVERYONE! I don’t think that was fair at all! […]
February 11, 2012

Spanking Fetish

Some of my favorite fabrics make for the best spanking instruments. I have leather straps, braided ropes, rubber straps and loops, and last but not least The Wicked! I just recently got this baby in the mail and when CANE-IAC says it maybe the most painful piece they have they are not joking! I need more bad boys that need a spanking! If you have a spanking fetish, then I am your girl. Just call and bend over! Be prepared for the lashing of your life. If you ever doubted […]
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