August 30, 2012

Wish for a sweet diapermom

I am here at your command in my silky genie garb waiting for you to decide on what you want for your wish maybe you should wish for a sweet diapermom,that sound’s wonderful does’nt it? I cross my arms & nod my head. Before your very eye’s I am transformed from a genie with shiny hair into a very sweet and sexy mommy. Your wildest dreams come true right before your very eyes. I am equipped with arms that can always make you happy and also cuddle &soothe abie. I […]
April 29, 2012

Listen up my abdl boys and girls

Listen up my abdl boys and girls I am very sweet mommy but I can get sour real quick if provoked Give me some naughty lip and this phone mommy just might take you over her knee. But then you might consider that a suprise treat and not a punishment for your behavior. So mommy would have to devise a whole new system of discipline insert wicked laughter here. We will just have to see what deliciously devious things I have in store for you. Mommy comes equipped with many […]
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