August 19, 2012

Pants Wetter

When your mommy asked me to babysit you, I was a little confused. I wondered why a grown man would need a babysitter. Well then she started to tell me things… like how you need looking after, or you end up getting yourself into trouble. She even told me that sometimes you still have “accidents”. Accidents?! I said, he’s a grown man, how is he still having accidents?! She explained that you were never really potty trained, she tried when you were little, but you just refused to learn. As […]
October 18, 2011

Scare Me

  Oh I love Halloween!  I love all the decorations and the macabre.  And I especially love being scared and scaring others heeheeheehee!!  Now this is where being a diaper lover/ABie gets its perks – see, when you get scared sh**less while watching some horror flick or someone comes up behind you and makes you jump ten feet in the air, you don’t have to worry about wetting your pants – you already have a diaper on!!  (That’s going on the list of reasons to wear a diaper – check!!)  […]
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