July 26, 2012

TLD: Tender Loving Diapering

Ya know, sometimes you just need to be coddled, nurtured.  To know, without a doubt that someone cares and loves you and wants to make sure that you not only know it, but feel it from the depths of their soul. I believe that’s what occurs during a diapering. It’s a time where both the diaperer and the diaperee get to be transported to a place where nothing else exists, save the two of them.  There are no outside pressures, no every day worries or stresses.  Time seems to stop […]
May 14, 2012

ABDL Nighttime Stories

Come curl up with ABMommy Sara for the evening and let me read your favorite ABDL Nighttime Story. Mommy Sara loves to take care of her abdl’s needs making certain your tummies are as full as your diapers before you rest your head on Mommies lap and I lull you off to sleep as I read your favorite bedtime story. I have a large collection of Beddybye Books, but don’t you worry if I don’t have it I will find it (thanks to the Internet hehehe) So what might you […]
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