June 14, 2017
I go ahead and take a hold of your hand and slip in right underneath you abdl mommy’s skirt and into my panties and you can feel the wetness from my pussy onto your fingers and ten I take and have you suck on your fingers mmmmm thank you mommy! You’re very welcome my sweet sissy baby I look over at you and take a hold of your binky and slide the nipple into my pussy and let it sit inside of me for a few moment as we arrive at the waxing place we walk inside and i sign you in and we walk back to a private room and I slide out the binky and pop into your mouth and run my fingers along the from of your diaper and I can feel your clitty starting to get excited! Call me for some Abdl Phone sex! Tawny 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with a Phone sex mommy! #notaboo #sissybabyphonesex #abdlmommy