July 26, 2012

TLD: Tender Loving Diapering

Ya know, sometimes you just need to be coddled, nurtured.  To know, without a doubt that someone cares and loves you and wants to make sure that you not only know it, but feel it from the depths of their soul. I believe that’s what occurs during a diapering. It’s a time where both the diaperer and the diaperee get to be transported to a place where nothing else exists, save the two of them.  There are no outside pressures, no every day worries or stresses.  Time seems to stop […]
June 7, 2012

AB/DL Safe Haven

It’s cuddle time my little sweet ABie. I know you like it when Mommy is very gentle with you during our time together. Sometimes it is difficult to be an Adult Babie in this hard world. Mommy Gina understands that you need a place to escape; a place to be honest and open and enjoy your AB/DL fetish.   Well you have found that place right here my little abie.   Mommy Gina understands adult babies and their needs and their need to enjoy their adult baby and diaper lover […]
May 23, 2012

Adult Baby picnic for Memorial Day

What better way to kick off the summer season then with a picnic on Memorial Day!  We can pack a wonderful picnic lunch with all your favorites – corn on the cob, hot dogs, fried chicken, potato salad, plus of course watermelon (what’s a Memorial Day picnic without watermelon?).  But I always say the more the merrier, so let’s bring all your stuffed little furries and plushies too!  We can have a regular outdoor picnic with all your soft little friends to share in the fun!   And after you […]
May 2, 2012

Pamper Your AB/DL Mommy

It’s getting to be that time of year again – time to show your AB/DL Mommy how much she means to you and how much you appreciate all she does for you throughout the year.  She always has time to pamper her little ones, kiss their boo-boos, and make them feel all better.  There hasn’t been a diaper she hasn’t wanted to change, not a bottom that she hasn’t been pleased to powder, a tummy she hasn’t died to tickle. Time to show her all she means to you.   […]
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