April 16, 2020

Abdl’s Are Not Big Boys!

  Have I told you about one of my naughty babies? He’s been a very silly, naughty abdl, because he keeps trying to pretend that he isn’t a baby, he is a big boy, a grown man! We hadn’t gotten around to throwing out all his ugly old tighty whities or his horrendous boxers (silly me, I thought I could trust him!) and he took his diapers off when I was busy cleaning up to put on a pair of those undies. He thought he could be cute and walk […]
September 29, 2011

adult plastic pants

  These teddies bear plastic pants are adorable aren’t they? I need some for my cloth diapers and I wouldn’t mind putting them on a diaper lover or adult baby either. Usually, I wear disposables myself, but every now and again I want to slip on some adult cloth diapers. Maybe these would be cute for an ab boy in diapers and Mommy could get her some girly ones huh? How many pairs of plastic pants for adults do you have in your drawer?   Mommy Josie Ab dl Mommy […]
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