June 24, 2012

Mommy Maggie Gave Me A Spanking

I was spanked and spanked good the other day! I was in the chat room, just minding my own business. Doing what every other red blooded American Diaper Girl does…drawing with blue marker all over Mommy Maggie’s kitchen…and I got spanked for it! Oh and I also put a live bunny in the fridge, BUT I told her not to look in there! She picked me up and spanked me, over my pretty frilly diaper cover, right there in front of EVERYONE! I don’t think that was fair at all! […]
May 26, 2012

ABDL Diaper Change Phone Sex

Which ABDL Girl needs a Diaper Change? I DO!  Let’s face it, it’s no fun to change your diaper all by your lonesome all the time is it? Sometimes I even call one of the Fetish Mommies here to do it for me.  They laugh when I do and say things like, “Oh Cali!” lol I can’t help it, now I know they can’t do it for me in real life, but just having a soothing voice over the phone leading me through one, or them giving me directions and […]
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