October 1, 2012

Little Devil Cali

If you ask any of the mommies around here, they’ll be quick to tell ya, I can sometimes, I mean like just every once in a while, get myself into a teeny tiny bit of trouble. What can I say… I may be 19 but sometimes I just can’t help but act like a little brat! Here’s what usually happens… I see something I want. It could be anything, a cookie, a new doll, or maybe a new daddy or ABy guy I get a crush on and wanna play […]
August 26, 2012

Bath Time

I know some ABies don’t like bath time. They kick and cry and try to fight to stay out of the bath tub. But not me! I love my bath time because Daddy makes it so much fun! He knows that I like to play with my ducky and splash around. When its time for a bath, Daddy takes me into my room and he gets me out of my clothes and dumps my old diaper in the basket. Daddy picks me up and I wrap my legs around him […]
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