June 27, 2019

Games With Mommy!

When my favorite abdl calls me for some mommy domme phone sex I love to play a little game with him and my big diaper bag. I show him what it looks like and ask what he thinks is inside, playing a quick little peekaboo to give him a hint. Sometimes, Mommy is feeling nice and it’s a fun surprise like a new adult baby pacifier or a cuddly stuffed animal. But other times, especially if my diaper lover little one has been acting up lately, I like to hide […]
August 19, 2012

Diapers after a long day

As a child, I was a bed wetter. I was put into diapers at night until the age of 12. I did not start wearing again until much later when someone dared me to wear a diaper out. And when I slipped into that diaper all the memories came rushing back. And now there is nothing more comforting than diapers after a long day. I just love the feeling of a nice soft diaper as I slip into bed. letting the worries of the day float away as I snuggle […]
May 29, 2012


Tantrum’s you good at doing but do you really think it does any good when you stomp your feet bang your head on the walls and floors hold your breathe.Now do you honestly think i am going to give in to those pityful demands of your’s i don’t think so little wimp. You will dress as i say and wear these sissy dresses and the diapers wherever you go i could care less what your friends wear or what they say about you wearing the sissy clothes.Yes i know they […]
January 22, 2012

I Heart Diaper Lovers!

I love real, true blue diaper lovers! The ones that show no shame in being comfy in their nappys, diapers and plastic pants! The ones who walk past me in store and I can hear the shuffling noise from their disposable diapers! You know who you are and I want you to know that I love our special playtime! Cum Play in My ABDL Toy Box! Jenna 1-888-430-2010 http://phoneamommy.com  
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