January 24, 2016

Mommy calls

When my adult bABy calls I try to be a good mommy and play whatever they want over the phone. Sometimes they might want me to read them a bedtime story?  Maybe they want me to play a game like peek a boo or hide and seek?  Sometimes they are just hungry and want me to feed them a bottle and some baby food? Other times they have a wet diaper that needs changing and I will change them into a nice clean fresh adult diaper. Then put on their […]
August 31, 2012

Fill your diaper

Do you like to do an enema to help fill your diaper to its fullest capacity? I can certainly understand the draw of a full diaper, wet and messy on your bottom. All warm and squishy and wonderfully full. Do you like to be changed right away or do you like to sit in it for awhile and just savor the feeling? Mommy Josie is here to help talk you through full release. And then after you fill that diaper and enjoy your time in it, Mommy can help you […]
August 19, 2012

Diapers after a long day

As a child, I was a bed wetter. I was put into diapers at night until the age of 12. I did not start wearing again until much later when someone dared me to wear a diaper out. And when I slipped into that diaper all the memories came rushing back. And now there is nothing more comforting than diapers after a long day. I just love the feeling of a nice soft diaper as I slip into bed. letting the worries of the day float away as I snuggle […]
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