May 19, 2020

Time in Mommy’s Dungeon

My dungeon is my place of peace, my sacred place, my haven – and you are here today in order for Dommy Mommy to play. Firstly, I will tie you up and strap your legs spread against the bed.  You don’t need to see what I am doing because you are going to use the senses of your ears, nose and mouth to feel my very presence.  Now that you lay naked on the bed with your legs spread wide and your diminutive clitty cock exposed, I will begin my […]
February 8, 2016

Bad bad bABies

My bABies have not been very good this week. There is Cammie he is 6 and Alyssa she is 18 months, every day I left them with the sitter in the nursery they have gotten into some kind of trouble.  I think that it’s my fault though; I think I have been working too much and they haven’t gotten much of my attention. They have colored all over the walls, which actually looks pretty, but not tolerated.  They have hidden stuff all over the place to keep from getting spankings […]
May 16, 2012

Adult Baby Nursery

You thought you could hide it from me – your little adult baby desires.  You thought you had your diapers and onsies and binkies stashed away safely, where I would not find them.  You thought you cleared your browser history as to not leave any bread crumbs to your little obsession.  You thought that if I found out who and what you truly are, I would run away as far and as fast as I could.  But you were wrong.  I found your stash of adult baby gear; I found […]
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