July 10, 2015

ABDL Babysitter Jenna

“Click!” goes the lock as I turn it, turning to you slowly. Naughty ABDL sitter Jenna is here to babysit you again and punish you for being such a bad baby. I reach in my diaper for the paddle I had made just for you. My initials are engraved into it so that every time my hand comes swinging down onto that bottom of yours, it leaves a welt shaped just like my signature. Consider it a more merciful form of branding you as mine. And your Mommy and Daddy […]
May 31, 2012


You like to participate in mommy roleplay it is always the best time to have all these question’s answered that you want to ask. This is som eof the questions I have been asked by my ab phone friends I play with. what happens if I draw where I should’nt mommy? well little one, you get to be in time out and stand in the corner with nothing but a diaper and your little pout. what if I don’t do what I am told Mommy? Well then you get mommy […]
March 9, 2012

Manipluative Mandy

Being a Sitter can be a great deal of fun for a manipulative gal such as myself. These little ones I sit for are so very curious and most are willing to please, the ones that are a bit more defiant well, let us just say that I am skilled in the art of persuasion. The last little one I sitted for, just last night a matter of fact, was very curious about the difference between him and I. He kept touching my skirt as we sat on the couch […]
February 5, 2012

ABDL Reality

This past week I was away for a bit, and found myself seriously missing all the abdl fun! I love my life of being an abie sitter! Being able to diaper and care for all my abdl friends makes me soo happy! It seemed like my whole focus all week was about “How this cute blue romper would look on abie Jack” or “I wonder who is making my little sissy aby Paula keep his hands out of his messy nappy!”  Just wanted to let all my adult abies and […]
January 4, 2012

Forced Fed Baby Food

Taking care of my brother is a real drag he makes my life hell but I find ways to torcher him like force-feeding him baby food. Larry is five years old and is a total brat. He throws temper tantrums whenever I have to watch him he acts so childish! Tonight when Mommy and Daddy are gone I plan to restrain him with my pantyhose and force-feed him that baby food again just to prove to him who is in charge! I have another little surprise for the brat I […]
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