Sissy wants to suck a…..
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Sissy wants to suck a…..
July 2, 2012
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Sissy Baby Get’s a New Outfit

sissy shoping with mommy maggie ABDL Blog

Do you like my sissy baby’s little outfit?  That’s her ni-nite outfit.  Can’t see it but the panties have ruffles, just as I insist on.  She is so funny crawling around on the floor, chasing her ball or pushing her Barbie car about, with her pink binkie in her mouth – and to see her diapered tushie all darned in ruffles waddling behind her…ADORABLE!

Now as much as I love to watch her crawling about playing, I have to eventually tell her it’s time to put away her toys and get her ready for beddie-bye time.  Oh how she hates to stop when she’s having so much fun, and sometimes her little temper tantrums can earn her a good old fashioned over the knee spanking (we have advanced from just my hand to a small paddle).

But I have to admit, I really do love the outfit – it a perfect fit for my sissy baby.  I’m so glad we decided on this one, though it was so hard to narrow the selection (she and I love to chat about outfits and shopping, and all things girlie).

How about we pick out an outfit for you?




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