August 14, 2012
Is it hard to hold it? Do you have an incontinence fetish? Tired of wet diapers try potty training with Mommy Crissy lover of all things infantalism!. For the best fetish phone sex experience ever have a scene somewhat planned out and I will take care of the particulars. I will make it kinky or not what ever floats your adult baby boat. I have all of these wonderful methods of retraining and regressing you to a simple time where you can be my little shaver and Mommy Crissy can […]
August 14, 2012
Wet diapers hanging on the line the wind blowing them every which way it decides to blow they flap so sweetly in the breeze.The meadow is flowering within its blooms all the reds,blues,yellow,purple hues following the wind as it blows the diapers all nice and dry.The smell of those diapers drying on the line is so sweet and you smile down at the little ones knowing they will soon have even more for you to wash and hang on that line. Because that is what they do best is wet […]
August 12, 2012
Do you want to know what’s even hotter than diaper phone sex? Getting fucked in one. Seriously it’s one of the most exciting things I’ve had happen to me and it makes my pussy really wet. I just imagine myself reaching inside the plastic, the repetitive crinkling sound as I stroke your thick cock to life. I like to cut a hole in the diaper and slip your cock through it so you can fuck me with it on. I’d push you down on to your back and mount you, the feeling […]
August 12, 2012
One thing that always surprises me is how many new callers and visitors we get at out site each week. Who knew there were so many adults interested in wearing diapers? And I love hearing from each of you. I’d like you to post your stories here about how you found your way to wearing diapers. Is it something you’ve been doing since high school? Something you started in your 20’s? What piqued your interest? Cloth or disposable? Plastic pants or just the natural crinkles of your disposable diaper? Raise […]