October 4, 2012
I am a very lucky Mommy. One of my callers loves to role play that he comes to my house because I have adopted him away from his parents. During his first day with me we do a lot of things. First off we have to get him out of his boy clothes and into something more appropriate: a diaper, rhumba panties, and a sweet little dress. Then off to the salon to have her hair done, curled and dyed to match mine of course. Of course there is a […]
October 1, 2012
If you ask any of the mommies around here, they’ll be quick to tell ya, I can sometimes, I mean like just every once in a while, get myself into a teeny tiny bit of trouble. What can I say… I may be 19 but sometimes I just can’t help but act like a little brat! Here’s what usually happens… I see something I want. It could be anything, a cookie, a new doll, or maybe a new daddy or ABy guy I get a crush on and wanna play […]
September 30, 2012
That’s right ABies Halloween time. And you know what that means, all my sissies can dress up and go out. No worry of being ridiculed. Mommy has just the perfect outfit for you. It will still be humiliating, of course, heehee. You didn’t think Mommy would let you get away completely without some humiliating assignment just because it is a holiday did you? Noooo, of course not. And make sure and take lots of pictures so that next time you call, we can look at them together and Mommy can […]
September 28, 2012
First of all, let me say that being a good, loving Mommy to my little ABies is one of the most rewarding things I ever done in my lifetime. Mostly my Adult Babies are good ABies, but sometimes Mommies have to be strict and use discipline to teach you acceptable behavior. I always make the punishment fit the crime!! Now, on the more playful side of things, I take great pride in helping my Abies fulfill their desires. After all, that’s what a good Mommy does. They teach, guide, nurture […]