Mommy Amanda

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog

Mommy Vicky

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girl

Mommy Hazel

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Baby Trish

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girls
January 10, 2016

ABDL Mommy for Babies Everywhere!

When it comes to making sure your adult baby gets the best diaper change that you can offer, I have always felt like you need to take your time. A mother’s touch when taking care of their little one is soft and tender, loving and sweet. Opening up those diapers might be stinky, but the best part comes when this ABDL mommy gets to grab her bag of goodies and dig out her tools of the trade. To begin with, I always grab my packet of baby wipes. Unscented, so […]
January 10, 2016

Learning to diaper pt 3

(Part 2) We then just bring up the front of the diaper and fasten each side tight enough to keep it from sliding down when you stand up. You certainly don’t want all of your hard work to just fall off in the floor at that point.  Now you are in your diaper and it is your choice if putting a second diaper on over the first would be best for you or maybe a pair of rubber pants over the diaper. If you think you may potty a lot […]
January 9, 2016

My Favorite Part of Being An ABDL Mommy

As an ABDL Mommy, it is very important for me to take care of my babies. I love to take care of them in every aspect of their day. Whether it is, being a nurturing Mommy by spoon feeding them breakfast or breast feeding them a snack, a fun Mommy by blowing raspberries on their bellies and making them giggle, or a stern Mommy by giving them spankings and putting them in time out when they misbehave, there is no part of my day that I just don’t love. I […]
January 5, 2016

Snuggle up!

Good morning sweet ABDLs! Welcome back to Nanny Ellas Nursery! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, full of love and hugs, cuddles and spankings, and of course diaper changes. I don’t know about you, but it is *freezing* where I am! I was so happy to have so much time with the sun and warmth. I got to dress in my lighter hoodie footie pjs and sit in the sun. I guess I can’t complain, since I have replaced those thinner onesies with thicker, warmer fleece ones, with […]