October 1, 2011
Not sure what you expected my little man, but things are never going to be the same for you again. I am Mizz Rebecca and I demand your respect and your service. As of today you are my bitch, my diaper loving bitch. Mizz Rebecca has plenty of activities in store for you my small submissive one. Right after I finish my cigarette will begin your training. I don’t play games, so pay close attention! For now, just stand at attention and hold your diaper open, let me flick my […]
October 1, 2011
Hope everyone is starting to feel a little excited and wetting their adult diapers with the feel a new season in the air. Fall is here peeps and I know I am excited enough to wet my diapers over it! So lil adult babies come and call your mommy and bring in fall with a sweet diaper change and some fall shopping! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
September 29, 2011
These teddies bear plastic pants are adorable aren’t they? I need some for my cloth diapers and I wouldn’t mind putting them on a diaper lover or adult baby either. Usually, I wear disposables myself, but every now and again I want to slip on some adult cloth diapers. Maybe these would be cute for an ab boy in diapers and Mommy could get her some girly ones huh? How many pairs of plastic pants for adults do you have in your drawer? Mommy Josie Ab dl Mommy […]
September 28, 2011
I warned you what was going to happen if you did it again, didn’t I? That the price for your insolence was going to be high. Now look at your self – your diapered ass exposed as your sitting in a crib, restraints keeping your naughty self still while I stuff the enema nozzle deep up that hole of yours. You had better hold you water you weak, pathetic excuse of a man – and I use that term very loosely. Once you have taken all your water, then I’m […]