Mommy Amanda

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog

Mommy Vicky

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Mommy Hazel

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Baby Trish

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girls
October 16, 2011

Enema Day

Today is dirty diaper day for Nurse Betty. I am ready to make you all clean and fresh from where you soiled your diaper. Of corse we will give you a naughty check-up and clean you out inside first with an enema. You know the nurse has to do this because I am old fashioned and believe the most important thing is to be clean! After I get your clean diaper on you must not soil it or Nurse Betty will be forced to give punishment and my punishment you will never forget. So don’t wait around until you get all stinky…. Call me now at 1-888-430-2010 and ask for Nurse Betty!
October 12, 2011

Diaper Lover Has His Day

Nanny loves to diaper little abies and adult diaper lovers. Abies need lots of care and attention that Nanny is happy to provide but sometimes Nanny wants to get off with grown up to grown up. An adult who understands how good a soft, snug diaper feels is well on their way to my bed, or the change table at least. Ever look around when you are out and about? Ella does. I look for the bulges that tell me he is wearing. Generally, I say, the thicker, the better. But there’s only one way to tell if he’s for real. Move in close. Use all the senses. Just yesterday I thought I spotted a handsome gentleman with a thick diaper in the supermarket. I made sure to get in line behind him at the checkout even though I hadn’t found everything I needed. I bumped into to him, accidentally on purpose, and heard that tell-tale crinkle. I leaned in and he smelled faintly of urine–a scent that has become slightly erotic to me since my boyfriend introduced me to diaper fetishes a few years back. I struck up a casual conversation and when he had paid I casually slipped him my card. He was friendly but reserved until he looked and saw that I Nanny Abies and he instantly understood. We said our goodbye’s and I waited till he was out the door till I told the checkout girl that I wasn’t done shopping. She smiled knowingly but all she saw was two flirtatious people having a conversation. Sometimes it’s the subtleties that matter, and all the senses. Not just what you see and hear, but what you feel and smell. Ella 1-888-430-2010
October 10, 2011

adult baby cry baby

When grown men act like spoiled little infants I know just what to do to them. Usually while I watch their temper tantrums I think about how they’d look in a dress and an adult diaper. This makes me giggle which can upset them more, but it’s their own fault really. If these men could control their tempers I wouldn’t have any reason to think about forcing them into a diaper and treating them like a baby. I don’t see anything wrong with a little day dreaming about forced abdl play. Mommy Liz
October 8, 2011

Like big butts?

Lately I have been feeling just a little bit self conscious about something and I was hoping that maybe all of you would be able to help me? You see, I glanced at myself in the mirror the other day and I was suddenly struck with the thought that maybe my backside was just a little bit too big? Now I’m going to put a picture to show all of you what I mean and I’m hoping to get your honest opinion. Do you all think that my backside is just right for spanking? Be honest with me. As always, kisses and love from me to you. Savannah 1*888*430*2010