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October 19, 2011

Whats a Sissy to do?

Lilly was a sweet little sissy, that didnt know how to act. She tried to watch some girly shows and then she read some girly books, but still she was unsure. She primped her hair and painted her nails, her cheeks the perfect hue, but still she felt a little lost and left without a clue. She came across a charm school and much to her surprise, became right at home with her class and before too long was named a sissy bride! Mizz Rebecca for your personalized Sissy Training! 1 888 430 2010
October 19, 2011

A Hauntingly Good Tale

Gather round my friend’s, I have a tale to tell. About a journey we shall make, if you are so compelled. Listen up and follow me, deep into the woods, now don’t be frightened my friend, my pal, for Mommy Sara will be your guide. Just hold my hand, tightly now, keeping close at Mommies side. Quickly, let us follow the trail up around the bend, past the brook, down the hill to where the gravel ends. Slowly, the next jaunt will be steep, Shhhhhhh…… danger is lurking, we mustn’t make a peep, over the bridge is where we must go, where the dwarfed trolls they dwell, their faces are most obscured, but they hear very very well. Hurry! Hurry! No time to waist, keep on the path and do not stray. There up ahead! The fountain awaits. Do not fret my little princes’, I assure you no one is spying, so strip on down, off with those britches, I promise it’s positively purifying! Hop on in, the waters fine, it will wilt you back to infant size, you will slowly regress with no thought of why. Dunk down, my dearest, into the water; bask in its warmth and unusual treasures. That’s it my little ones splash around, it’s time to have fun, growing younger with every drop, for my deed is almost done. Your body dwindles, your memories fade, in my arms, my babies lay, I coddle you with motherly kisses and rush you back home to further my wishes. Wishing Everyone A Fun Halloween! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 18, 2011

Scare Me

  Oh I love Halloween!  I love all the decorations and the macabre.  And I especially love being scared and scaring others heeheeheehee!!  Now this is where being a diaper lover/ABie gets its perks – see, when you get scared sh**less while watching some horror flick or someone comes up behind you and makes you jump ten feet in the air, you don’t have to worry about wetting your pants – you already have a diaper on!!  (That’s going on the list of reasons to wear a diaper – check!!)  Well anyways, Happy Halloween ALL!!!   Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
October 18, 2011

Lunchtime with the Boss

Today I didn’t have a chance to eat breakfast before I left for work and by 12:00 I was absolutely starving. Thankfully for me, I have a very nice boss that decided to share his hot dog. Can you believe that? He only had one and he told me that because I was such a hard worker he was going to let me have it all to myself. Do all of you out there think I was a little bit too greedy by devouring everything at once? Or should I have coddled the hot dog the way that I do all of you? As always, kisses and love from me to you. Savannah 1*888*430*2010