November 9, 2011
Poor little peepee pants Sammy. What am I going to do with him? He tells me these hilarious stories about being a man, and about being a big boy who is too big for diapers. That’s not what the wet spots on his jeans say though. Those wet spots to me say I need a diaper, someone please diaper me. If you saw pee pee pants Sammy walking around wet as rain what would you do? He thinks I’m a meanie for saying maybe I should put him in diapers. […]
November 4, 2011
Now this is what I call a good ol’ fashioned flogging! A nice alternative to your classic spanking or paddling! (wouldn’t want to get stuck in a rut, would we?) I love the whole antique vibe, right down to the vintage lingerie and period hair style. And the way they turned an ordinary piece of rope into an effective flogger/spanking implement? I lovely piece of ingenuity! Makes you wonder what went on behind those heavy mahogany doors of yester years! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010 ** over the knee spankings […]
November 3, 2011
So it is that time of year and you know what that means…it means time to visit with your Nurse Betty and get your flu shot! I know you abdl’s dont like to shots but it is important in keeping you all healthy so dont delay call and keep sick days away! Nurse Betty Specializing in: Medical Roleplay – Nurse-Patient – Sex Education – Examinations – Enemas
November 3, 2011
I always like to have a ritual when it comes to nap time. A fresh diaper is always first, as I softly talk to you. Next we gather your favorite stuffed animal, you blankie, and a fresh baba. Then I gently put you in your crib and pull out Goodnight Moon to read to you. And if you are a good abie, I will gently pat your thickly padded tushie until you drift off to dreamland. See, nap time isn’t a bad time after all, is it? Your […]