Mommy Amanda

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog

Mommy Vicky

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Mommy Hazel

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Baby Trish

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girls
February 8, 2012

Wearing Diapers

Is wearing diapers weird? Am I a freak for wanting to wear diapers? If I had a quarter for every time one of those questions was asked me… well, let’s just say I could retire to the tropics, and spend the rest of my days sipping on margaritas that were served to me by my entourage of boy-toys. Back to the question at hand…you may think there is no one out there like you. That you must be a mutant from the planet Diapro who was shot to Earth in […]
February 5, 2012

ABDL Reality

This past week I was away for a bit, and found myself seriously missing all the abdl fun! I love my life of being an abie sitter! Being able to diaper and care for all my abdl friends makes me soo happy! It seemed like my whole focus all week was about “How this cute blue romper would look on abie Jack” or “I wonder who is making my little sissy aby Paula keep his hands out of his messy nappy!”  Just wanted to let all my adult abies and […]
February 5, 2012

Bratty Domme, Mean abdl Sitter

Listen up you little squirt, you may have ran off your last sitter but no one runs me off. You will find you have met your match, you bratty little adult baby! I am the Brattiest Domme Mean ABDL Sitter in town and you don’t stand a chance with me! The days are over when you get your way, from here on out we play by my rules. You are mistaken that you are the man of the house, you and your bloated self, but by the time I get […]
January 31, 2012

The Pink Plastic Punishment Pants

“I warned you, didn’t I!  Why is it that you can’t seem to get yourself up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom like all the other bois??”   I have once again found his bet sopping in the morning.  This was the last straw. At times I think he does it just to infuriate me.  Grabbing him by the wrist, I drag him into my bedroom.  Standing him in front of me, I strip every piece of clothing off him, wet pj bottoms and Underoos […]