March 15, 2012
Out for a little Moonlight Swim… The evening sky is clear, and the full moon hangs in a mystic glow. A soft breeze tickles my skin as I dip a toe into the warm water of the pool. Perfect I think to myself. I saunter over to the table and turn the knob on the player – soft sensual music drifts up from the device, filling the air with its seductive tunes. I turn up the volume, allowing it to be carried on the winds. I give a little […]
March 11, 2012
Let’s go on a picnic! The sun is shining, the grass is green! It’s so beautiful outside! We should go on a picnic, just you and me, Abie! I’ll pack all your favorite foods, and I’ll even have your favorite dessert on-hand — cream pie! We can swing on the swings,slide on the slide and play until you need a nap. Who know’s you may even get to pet a big fluffy doggy maybe meet some fellow Abie’s You never know hat mischief we might get into come to the […]
March 11, 2012
Let’s go on a picnic! The sun is shining, the grass is green! It’s so beautiful outside! We should go on a picnic, just you and me, Abie! I’ll pack all your favorite foods, and I’ll even have your favorite dessert on-hand — cream pie! We can swing on the swings,slide on the slide and play until you need a nap. Who know’s you may even get to pet a big fluffy doggy maybe meet some fellow Abie’s You never know hat mischief we might get into come to the […]
March 9, 2012
Being a Sitter can be a great deal of fun for a manipulative gal such as myself. These little ones I sit for are so very curious and most are willing to please, the ones that are a bit more defiant well, let us just say that I am skilled in the art of persuasion. The last little one I sitted for, just last night a matter of fact, was very curious about the difference between him and I. He kept touching my skirt as we sat on the couch […]