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ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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April 5, 2012

Rubber pants lover

I have many phone friend’s that are so wonderful to to talk to and now I have a new friend I call him my rubber pants lover. He likes me to hear him moving in his rubber pants and he loves it when I talk about slipping my hand under them. He loves to slip them on and off while we are in a phone session. He also is way into diapers loves em can not get enough of them. We talk about how the smell of the soft plastic […]
April 5, 2012

ABDL Play Time With Mommy Lauren

All Adult Babies at one point or another like to play with their toys and they make sure they allow themselves a little ABDL Play Time. They love rattles, little cars, duckies, stuffed animals, and of course; the ever popular; building blocks. Now of course that short list does not include everything that a sweet, or bad, little Adult Baby can and will play with. However, I do realize that play is an important part of Adult Baby’s life, and Mommy should take part in that. Sitting on the floor, […]
April 5, 2012

Easter with Diaper Girl Mandy

Spring is in the air and it is time to play! Nothing says abdl fun like spring time and Easter! I have some Easter Eggs hidden and I bet you cannot find them? Do you think you can? I am a really good at games, they don’t call me Manipulative Mandy for nothing ya know! I have some in some spots that only a brave adult baby would search for. *giggles* My Love Eggs are very stimulating and hard to find! If you are good I will give you clues […]
April 5, 2012

Respect your AB Mommy

Don’t Mess with the Ma’am     Ok, I admit it; I like it when little ones (and older ones for that matter) address me with the title Ma’am.  I know some ladies and AB Mommies don’t like it, that it makes them feel like an old lady and they should have names like Agnes or Gertrude or Ester, but I see it as the ultimate show of respect.  Just think for a moment, have you ever tried to question someone when you addressed them as Ma’am?  It just doesn’t […]