Mommy Amanda

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog

Mommy Vicky

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Mommy Hazel

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
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Baby Trish

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girls
April 12, 2012

fun with my diaperslave

Mommy Crissy had so much fun the other day with my diaperslave. Carl loves to please his dommy mommy We went to the playground so I could show him off to all my sexy friends. I led him on a leash and collar while he walked a bit behind my 4 hot friends and I who are also dommy mommy’s. See how pretty my diaperslave is I said look at how dainty he walks? Carl was so excited we could see the hard on poking into his diaper from where […]
April 11, 2012

Adult Babie of Yester Years

Traffic Stopper     So, I came across this antique stroller, and though it not particularly unusual, it still is an interesting antique in my opinion.  Now normally when you see a vintage stroller, it is in the buggy style, reminiscent of a bassinette on wheels. Visions of Victorian dressed women with rather large and ornate hats, leisurely strolling along a path, pushing a buggy draped with a sheer linen cloth, twirling a parasol comes to mind. But this it the first time I have seen one that is more […]
April 8, 2012

ABDL Easter

It’s time for sissy baby Easter fun!! I just finished hiding all the eggs for you. Mommy Ava is going to put you in your brand new Easter dress she bought you! It’s a cute little lavender dress with a ruffled bottom and a Easter bunny on it. You’re going to look so cute. C’mon! And so I pick you up out of your crib, and i carry you to your changing table. Once I get your diaper off is when I smell it. “Uh oh! Did you make a […]
April 6, 2012

Diaper Bunny

Diaper bunny is heading your way for Easter i realize you have dreamed of this so many time you just can’t get the thought out of your head.Getting that diaper changed time and time again.But then again maybe you would rather wear it till it is so soggy that it droops between those legs of yours.Infact that sounds better than a nice dry diaper that the diaper bunny is going to bring you.Come visit the ladies at Phoneamommy.com bet they have some diapers just for you. Victoria 1.888.430.2010