Mommy Amanda

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog

Mommy Vicky

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girl

Mommy Hazel

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
mom fuck

Baby Trish

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girls
April 23, 2012

Fetish Phonesex With Mommy Star

Spring breaks over my little adult baby. Yes I know it’s a sad time. You don’t wanna go back to school. Sit in a classroom full of people you can’t stand. None of that sounds fun huh? Well, what if Mommy Star wanted to be your teacher? I think she could make school a lot more fun for you. We have lots of extra-curricular activities if you catch my drift. And it’s just you and her so no other students to distract you. She can teach you a lot you […]
April 20, 2012

Hot diaper girl

I wanna be your hot diaper girl. I want you to watch me slip on my sexy purple diaper with a cute kitty in the front where mommy keeps her hot sexy pussy and you can even take pictures if you want to. Mommy Crissy loves to pose all sweetly in her diaper and matching bra. I can just see that hard cock popping out of your diaper while your thinking of pulling mommy close to you and doing naughty stuff with her. I could catch you looking at mommie’s […]
April 20, 2012

Sissy Decor

I think one of the most important things for a Sissy to do is to feel girly, filling your space with Sissy Decor in one way to accomplish this. I think one must totally immerse them self in a girly lifestyle. I often give this advice to my callers and like all advice you can take it or not. Surrounding one self with feminine patterns, fresh cut flowers, girly magazines, tea sets just to name a few can change a person’s attitude and behavior unconsciously. Ones environment has immense impact […]
April 18, 2012

Obey your ABDL Mommy…Or Else…

Now normally, my little adult abie is well behaved, says please and thank you, and minds his manners, as well as his AB Mommy.  But from time to time, my normally sweet and loving abie gets a little too big for his britches, or in this case, his diapers, and decides that he is going to talk back to mommy or *gasp* disobey.   Now I don’t know about how your Mommy handles an aby when they get out of hand, but this mommy is a no-nonsense, firm disciplinarian, take-you-over-my-knee-and-spank-you-till-I-break-your-will […]