May 8, 2012
Make sure you celebrate this sunday its such a very special day.Its Mother’s Day give thanks for the wonderful mother or lady in your life that has made this day so special.She doesn’t have to have given birth to you but brought something very special to your life.Wiped your snotty nose,gave you a hug because you were there,changed your diaper,baked those cookies that you love so good,took you to a movie you had been wanting to see so bad.So you see pay homage to that special lady in your life.Celebrate […]
May 6, 2012
Ought oh, you better be careful ABDL Surfin while you are at work. I know that you just can not help yourself though can you. You try and sneak some surfing time in here and there while the Boss Lady isn’t watching. Your mind just keeps wandering and your fingertips cannot help but to want to obey what your brain is urging you to do. To Surf some more. You imagine that if your Boss Lady catches you she might show some leniency But perhaps she has other ideas in […]
May 3, 2012
Be my sweet sissy abie girl and mommy will make sure you get everything that you need to be a happy sissy girl! I hope my sweet little sissy boys are doing good? i have a great story to tell you about a 2 girl call i had with my friend Kita, she played the mommy and i was the auntie, and abie Damon was our sweet little sissy girl. sissy Damon wanted to be a very good girl for both mommy and auntie phone sex Crissy. we changed her […]
May 2, 2012
It’s getting to be that time of year again – time to show your AB/DL Mommy how much she means to you and how much you appreciate all she does for you throughout the year. She always has time to pamper her little ones, kiss their boo-boos, and make them feel all better. There hasn’t been a diaper she hasn’t wanted to change, not a bottom that she hasn’t been pleased to powder, a tummy she hasn’t died to tickle. Time to show her all she means to you. […]