May 16, 2012
You thought you could hide it from me – your little adult baby desires. You thought you had your diapers and onsies and binkies stashed away safely, where I would not find them. You thought you cleared your browser history as to not leave any bread crumbs to your little obsession. You thought that if I found out who and what you truly are, I would run away as far and as fast as I could. But you were wrong. I found your stash of adult baby gear; I found […]
May 14, 2012
Come curl up with ABMommy Sara for the evening and let me read your favorite ABDL Nighttime Story. Mommy Sara loves to take care of her abdl’s needs making certain your tummies are as full as your diapers before you rest your head on Mommies lap and I lull you off to sleep as I read your favorite bedtime story. I have a large collection of Beddybye Books, but don’t you worry if I don’t have it I will find it (thanks to the Internet hehehe) So what might you […]
May 13, 2012
I had a very happy phoneamommy day! I spent all day in the nursery breastfeeding and changing diapers and makeing all my sweet abie friends smile and coo with delight. I really enjoyed spending time makeing sure they were all fed and entertained and well cared for. My sweet abie honey Darrin got mommy crissy a beautiful flower just for my bestest mommy he said! Awww Thank you my sweety I said. Mommy got all the love from the cute and sissy abie’s in her nursery. I always love tradeing […]
May 12, 2012
As an ABDL Mommy, Mother’s Day is the most important day of the year. I can’t wait to see and talk to all of my aby’s who make mommy proud all year long. Mommy Star will be waiting to hear from all you aby’s out there who don’t have a mommy and have never ever had a abdl mommy pamper and diaper you just like a real baby. From messy diapers to sissy training. I especially enjoy talking to naughty adult babies who want that special relationship with mommy…