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Baby Trish

ABDL Diaper Lover Blog
diaper girls
May 31, 2012

Shopping with my Adult Baby

It was so much fun shopping the Adult Baby furniture store online with my ABie.  We decided on an adorable play pen and matching changing table (they will custom stain them to match – how nice of them!!).   Now Mommy won’t have to put my Adult Babie on his bed to change him.  I can hardly wait to see him in his playpen.  He already has many toys to play with.  He has a toy monkey that was one of his first animal friends.   Next month we are going to shop for more.  His […]
May 31, 2012


You like to participate in mommy roleplay it is always the best time to have all these question’s answered that you want to ask. This is som eof the questions I have been asked by my ab phone friends I play with. what happens if I draw where I should’nt mommy? well little one, you get to be in time out and stand in the corner with nothing but a diaper and your little pout. what if I don’t do what I am told Mommy? Well then you get mommy […]
May 29, 2012

Adult Baby Nursery Phone Sex

Welcome little one. Look what Mommy has for you! Your very own Adult Baby Nursery! I put everything that my sweet AB needs to be happy, and feel loved. Over here are your diapers, along with your powder, and ointment so you don’t get a diaper rash. Over this way you see the rocking chair where Mommy feeds and rocks you to sleep. Here are all your wonderful stuffed animals and toys that we play with every day. And last but not least, THIS is your crib! Isn’t it beautiful? […]
May 29, 2012


Tantrum’s you good at doing but do you really think it does any good when you stomp your feet bang your head on the walls and floors hold your breathe.Now do you honestly think i am going to give in to those pityful demands of your’s i don’t think so little wimp. You will dress as i say and wear these sissy dresses and the diapers wherever you go i could care less what your friends wear or what they say about you wearing the sissy clothes.Yes i know they […]