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June 18, 2012


Geesh i kept telling you i didn’t know how to cut hair but no you didn’t listen did you.Well now look at what you ended up with its very scary is it not.And just think now you will have to wear a hat or a wig or something over that head to hide what i did but you can’t complain too much i did warn you huh.But omg i still can’t stop laughing you do look funny. Should have stopped moving that head so much maybe it wouldn’t have turned […]
June 18, 2012

hot sitters and mommies

Hot sitters and mommies!! Get your hot sitters and mommies here! Ripe and ready for all manner of naughtiness. Give me your deepest,darkest secret fantasy, I will make it my mission to paint pictures with my voice. Mommy Crissy is so great at rocking sweet abies to sleep, knowing just what abie needs. Having all the latest in diaper convenience,cool things to play with keep abie occupied. I am going to keep you diapered and I explain to you that your going to have to use only diapers from now. […]
June 17, 2012

Mommy’s Favorite Things

You know what I love best about being an adult baby mommy? Feeding my little ones, that’s what. And I like to make my own baby food. Today I’m pureeing sweet potatoes and beets. Yes, you read that correctly. I said beets. But if you’re a good boy and eat your beets, I’ve got brownies for dessert. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you sample my melons. How does that sound? But remember, you have to be good and eat everything mommy feeds you. What are your favorite baby foods? Or […]
June 17, 2012

Mommy’s Favorite Things

You know what I love best about being an adult baby mommy? Feeding my little ones, that’s what. And I like to make my own baby food. Today I’m pureeing sweet potatoes and beets. Yes, you read that correctly. I said beets. But if you’re a good boy and eat your beets, I’ve got brownies for dessert. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you sample my melons. How does that sound? But remember, you have to be good and eat everything mommy feeds you. What are your favorite baby foods? Or […]