Hi, my sweet Adult baby wanna go on a trip with yourAbdl mommy Tawny? Sure you do, now let’s go get you in the prettiest little dress with the ruffles and the pretty pink Rhumba plastic Panties. Let’s also put this pretty bow in your hair! Aww, you look soo cute! Now let’s get you in the car, and buckle you in. As we are driving down the road, you look over to the left and see the park. Yay park!! You say! Yes, honey, we are going to the park! We pull into the parking lot and park, I come around to the door and open it to get you and the diaper bag out, where do you want to go to first? Slide, swing, merry-go-round? Swing it is! I sit you down in the swing. Push, every time I push you and you go higher and higher! Isn’t this fun? Sure it is! Uh-oh looks like someone has a wet diaper! If you want me to change
you call me for some
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