Cousin Jenna

Cousin Jenna
Cousin Jenna
Cousin Jenna
Cousin Jenna

My Bio: 

     What's the matter little baby? Hi, I'm Teasing Cousin Jenna and I love to make fun of the wittle bitty baby.

    What a small teenie weenie you have. I am going to dress you up like the little girl that you really are and make you dance all around like a little baby ballerina. And if you don't do it when I say, I am going to put you in the time out chair and put a big baby diaper dunce hat on you and have everyone come look at the stupid baby!

    What's wrong baby are you going to cry? Hmmm? LOL.see you really are a big sissy baby. I bet you can't even dress yourself, and if you did it would be just like a little baby girl!

  • Tiny Pee-pees

  • Playing Dressup

  • Punishing Naughty ABies

  • Humiliation

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December 3, 2018

Adult Baby Sat For Real Part 2

It actually hurt, and it wasn’t even a spanking and you had the padding of your diaper. You shivered to think what she might do with a real spanking! When she decided to change your diaper a few minutes ago, she simply picked you up off the floor and carried you on her hip back to the nursery. You realized that with her, you were like a mere baby would be to any normal size woman! If she could carry you in one arm like that, she could do anything […]
September 9, 2018

Mommy Mimi Has To Punish You

You’ve been misbehaving too much the last few days! Coloring on the walls, trying to eat your crayons, pulling all your toys out of your toy chest and flinging them all over that place…and now you waited till I wasn’t looking to take your diaper off and run through the house! Do you think that you can do that and just get away with it? You definitely can’t, and now I am laying you across my knees to show you what happens when you get too naughty! That fetish abdl […]