Cousin Jenna

Cousin Jenna
Cousin Jenna
Cousin Jenna
Cousin Jenna

My Bio: 

     What's the matter little baby? Hi, I'm Teasing Cousin Jenna and I love to make fun of the wittle bitty baby.

    What a small teenie weenie you have. I am going to dress you up like the little girl that you really are and make you dance all around like a little baby ballerina. And if you don't do it when I say, I am going to put you in the time out chair and put a big baby diaper dunce hat on you and have everyone come look at the stupid baby!

    What's wrong baby are you going to cry? Hmmm? LOL.see you really are a big sissy baby. I bet you can't even dress yourself, and if you did it would be just like a little baby girl!

  • Tiny Pee-pees

  • Playing Dressup

  • Punishing Naughty ABies

  • Humiliation

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June 19, 2022

Soon You Will Be My Sissy

    Through diaper sissy hypnosis while you are sleeping, mommy will turn you into her good little girl.  You will go to bed, mommy’s good boy and wake up mommy’s naughty little sissy slut.  Mommy will convert you and you will enjoy every minute of it. Mommy will use sissification to strip you of all your maleness and make you into the perfect little skirt wearing sissy.  You will become feminine in every way possible.  How you look, how you dress, how you speak and how you sound. Mommy […]
March 13, 2022

Let Mommy Tell You A Story

    Mommy has lots of abdl stories she could share with you, but mommy’s choice for tonight is involving abdl humiliation.  And what is more so, than a grown adult being turned into a diaper baby.  A helpless little one that needs a mommy to take care of all their necessities. Mommy takes you and strips you completely naked, no need for those type of clothes anymore.  As you stand there blushing and trying to cover yourself, your new mommy takes and leads you into the bathroom.  Mommy points […]