What Kind Of Adult Baby Are You?
October 19, 2015
ABDL Halloween
October 24, 2015
What Kind Of Adult Baby Are You?
October 19, 2015
ABDL Halloween
October 24, 2015

I must get asked if I wear diapers at least once a day. I sometimes do, but usually just on the request of one of my babies or a daddy I particularly like. Sometimes someone new to the abdl lifestyle feels so much better if they are with someone else in diapers. I have never minded the soft feeling of a cloth diaper against me or the cushion of a disposable when I sit down.
I can very easily understand the obsession of these for diaper lovers. When you have the right size and fit for your individual body it can make all the difference in the world. Diapers can feel like a silky second skin or hang on one like a leaky potato sack.

So, yes I am experienced at wearing diapers but it isn’t my passion. My passion is in being an abdl mommy and taking care of all of you adult babies and diaper lovers.

Tell me, do you wear diapers?
-Mommy Lizabeth



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