October 11, 2015
I am a sweet and loving mommy, and there are few things that I enjoy as much as getting the chance to diaper my adult babies. Usually, most of my time is spent checking and changing diapers, coddling and feeding my little ones, and playing with them! Other than my other mommy duties of course! It does not happen often, but once, I had one of my sweeties offer to put me in a diaper for a change! And do you know what? I loved it! I had so much fun releasing control for a few moments and having my diaper lover spread my legs and put a clean diaper on me. I would love to clean my adult baby up and then have them diaper me! We could spend our evening playing together in our diapers and when it is time to get cleaned up again, mommy is already there! XOXO, Barb 888-430-2010