January 28, 2012

Phone a Mommy's Bad Girl

Bad Girls Season 8 is off to a fighting start as the Bad Girls Club takes on Sin City! And I do mean fighting! I think my Kyle XY would love to see this show as he loves a good cat fight. Tim as most of us call him gets a real hard on for his Phone a Mommy’s Bad Girls! Of course, we are loving nurturing mommies, but we are also women and when we see another chick messing with our man there is nothing that holds us back. […]
January 11, 2012

Just the Solution

So you want to act like a little two year old do you?  Whining, refusing to do for yourself, and gallivanting to all hours of the night do you?  Well I have just the solution for you!  You want to act like a brat, then you will be treated like a little bratty kid, and that includes a diaper, a pacifier, and if necessary a paddle!  Oh, and did I mention that this would be your work attire as well?? No? Well get use to it little one!   Call […]
December 25, 2011

Sissy Exposed over Webcam

All you little sissy sluts out there grab your toys and put on your sexiest dress, it is time for your lesson. We need to give you some cocksucking lessons before the year is up and I know you are just salvating at the thought of having that plump massive piece of meat in your mouth. I will give your instructions when you call and as I watch you on cam. So my nasty little cum sluts cum and get your lesson! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
December 22, 2011

Pull my Finger

OMG! I found the perfect gift for a certain someone who has a very particular…shall we say…interest. Ok, ok, it’s a fetish. And I was thinking there are more then just a few of you out there that can appreciate this particular fetish. Yes, I’m talking about a fart fetish. This has got to be on every ghost turd-loving person’s wish list (or at least it should be). Now, if you saw this and thought “Omg! I NEED to have that!”, then you should give me a jingle and I […]
December 15, 2011

Upside Down

I love this pic!  With all the rushing and baking and shopping going on during this final leg before Christmas, I can sometimes feel like this tree – turned completely upside down, LOL!  You all know what I’m talking about!  And sometimes it’s hard to remember what this time of the year is about – family and friends and loved ones and sharing and enjoying the warmth and love of each other’s company.  So don’t forget to take a moment and breathe and just give a silent smile when Uncle […]
December 8, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

Sometimes I watch over boys that think they can sneak things by me – silly boys. Case in point: I was watching over one particular boy who would go next door to play. The boy there had a baby sister that was still in diapers, and when ever my charge would come back, he would scurry quickly by me and head directly to his room. He thought he was being so sneaky, that I wouldn’t notice what he was smuggling in under his jacket, but I knew! (the undeniable smell […]
November 30, 2011

Bedtime Ritual

  I love bedtime rituals – here is one of my favorites:   After a warm, soothing bath, I dry you with a towel still warm from the dryer, and powder you all up.  I slip you into fresh jammies, a clean diaper, and carry you to bed.  There, waiting for you, is your favorite blanky and teddy bear.   You snuggle down into the sheets, teddy in hand, as I tuck you safely into bed.  A bedtime story of your choosing is next, as your eyes grow heavy, and start […]
November 25, 2011


Naughty Abies! Seems that you are all acting up these days. Coloring on the walls… Splashes in the bath… Throwing food… Nanny Ella has had enough! Here are the rules: 1. Be Good 2. Listen to Nanny Ella 3. Behave Pretty simple, don’t you think? I will consider any abie that doesn’t follow these rules as naughty as the rest and you know what happens to naughty boys? They are laid across Nanny’s knee, bare-ass and all, and spanked till they cry for mercy. Sometimes further measures are required and […]
November 15, 2011

I Have Just What You Need

  Awww, my little man keeps squirming and holding his hand down below his belly, like he’s so very uncomfortable down there.  I know what you need – a nice, warm enema to get things moving the way they should and make everything right as rain again!  Now now, stop your fussing, mommy knows what’s best for you.  You’ll feel so much better when that warm water starts flowing deep inside you! And don’t you be worried or embarrassed about that little “swelling” you get between your legs every time […]
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