September 18, 2012

Where have all the sissies gone?

We have a sissy who is so proud to be a sissy. Her name is Stephie. And who wouldn’t be? Proud to be a sissy, that is. Everyone loves sissies. Every time I change his diaper it’s glaringly obvious why he’s a sissy. He was born with itty bitty sissy parts and his mommy loves to tease him about them. He and his mommy are  a perfect fit.  But he’s torn about coming out as sissy to his friends and Mommy Crissy is trying help him understand they probably already […]
August 27, 2012

Mommy and Son

She walks thru the door dressed all in her leather outfit it fits snuggled against her skin.Molding and showing off her curves you are laying on the couch you have always had a thing for older women but with your mom you just never dreamed she was so hot until you got to watching her now all the others seem to pale in comparison to your mom.She has this gently sway as she walks thru the house picking up after you.The bulge in those pants just keeps on getting bigger […]
August 2, 2012

Diaper boy Darrin

I have a friend his name is Darrin he is a very cute Diaperboy his faveorite thing to do when he is with mommy is give me wet diaper’s to change. He gets so excited after he tinkles that he does a little dance right next to me call it his tinkle jig. Then Mommy picks him up and carry’s him over to the big changing table Lays him out and he shakes & squirms giggling “Mommy has to fix my wet diapee!” he says with a big,big smile I […]
July 23, 2012


Baby girl loves her Pink panties don’t you sweetie Granny Minnie just has to see you prance and dance around the room in those cute pink panties.You didn’t think so at first but now just look at you all smiles on that sweet face of yours,wearing those panties and a pink tee and ballerina slippers,just becareful and don’t fall i know how excited you get when you get to dance for me.I think that it might be time to enroll you in some dance classes how about that we can […]
June 16, 2012

Diaper Masturbation

Come curl up with Mommy Sara my lil man, Mommy knows that you have a wittle stiffies down in that diaper. Mommy is going to help you with some Diaper Masturbation. Yes, Mommy knows that to be a healthy lil guy you need to relieve some stress and Mommy knows that masturbation is very healthy for her lil one. Dont be shy about that lil hard on, it is perfectly natural for a wittle one to get excited! It will feel so good to have Mommy rub the front of […]
May 20, 2012

Petticoat Punishment Phone Sex

Oh you have been a very very bad little one haven’t you, but, luckily for you, I know how to administer Petticoat Punishment! Oh yes my Dear one. You think just because you are a small male that you would never ever have to dress like a girl? You thought wrong sweetie. You see, this is what happens when you don’t listen, or when you go into Mommy’s things, and hold them close to you in a very naughty way. You have to be taught a lesson. Now if you […]
May 9, 2012

Come Play With Fetish Mommy Lauren

The best part of being an online Fetish Mommy is the fact that I get to play with so many sweet ABDL’s and Sissies! How much fun would it be to spend the day in the Nursery, coloring, singing songs, playing games, and if need be, diaper change after diaper change! Of course that’s not the only play time Mommy is thinking of. You know exactly what Mommy is talking about. Don’t you, you naughty little one. I would love nothing more then to be your very own Fetish Mommy […]
April 5, 2012

ABDL Play Time With Mommy Lauren

All Adult Babies at one point or another like to play with their toys and they make sure they allow themselves a little ABDL Play Time. They love rattles, little cars, duckies, stuffed animals, and of course; the ever popular; building blocks. Now of course that short list does not include everything that a sweet, or bad, little Adult Baby can and will play with. However, I do realize that play is an important part of Adult Baby’s life, and Mommy should take part in that. Sitting on the floor, […]
April 5, 2012

Respect your AB Mommy

Don’t Mess with the Ma’am     Ok, I admit it; I like it when little ones (and older ones for that matter) address me with the title Ma’am.  I know some ladies and AB Mommies don’t like it, that it makes them feel like an old lady and they should have names like Agnes or Gertrude or Ester, but I see it as the ultimate show of respect.  Just think for a moment, have you ever tried to question someone when you addressed them as Ma’am?  It just doesn’t […]
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