May 26, 2012

ABDL Diaper Change Phone Sex

Which ABDL Girl needs a Diaper Change? I DO!  Let’s face it, it’s no fun to change your diaper all by your lonesome all the time is it? Sometimes I even call one of the Fetish Mommies here to do it for me.  They laugh when I do and say things like, “Oh Cali!” lol I can’t help it, now I know they can’t do it for me in real life, but just having a soothing voice over the phone leading me through one, or them giving me directions and […]
April 20, 2012

Hot diaper girl

I wanna be your hot diaper girl. I want you to watch me slip on my sexy purple diaper with a cute kitty in the front where mommy keeps her hot sexy pussy and you can even take pictures if you want to. Mommy Crissy loves to pose all sweetly in her diaper and matching bra. I can just see that hard cock popping out of your diaper while your thinking of pulling mommy close to you and doing naughty stuff with her. I could catch you looking at mommie’s […]
November 21, 2011

dl games

  I like to play games with adult babies and with other diaper lovers. One I really enjoy is about desperation. Who can hold out and keep their pee in the longest. The game is pretty self explanatory but you can add other twists. The last time I played we did it with a drinking game. I can’t even begin to explain how badly I had to pee, but I held so ridiculously long. Finally there was no holding it and I had to tell him I gave up and […]
October 24, 2011

dl Mommy and diapers for you too

  What’s wrong with this picture? Can you all see it? She’s missing her soft thick adult diaper. Now do you see it? Are you missing yours? Do you need a dl mommy to get you into one? All of these questions I know, but I also know that you probably do need your diaper on you. Just like little Miss Pumpkin bottom does. You simply can’t go out this Halloween without Mommy putting your diaper on you.   DL Mommy Josie  
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