September 10, 2012

Bratty Teen Cali

I’m a very temperamental girl. Sometimes I’m sweet and innocent and a good girl. But other times (lots of times, teehee) I can get a little bratty and demanding! Well, maybe a lot bratty and demanding!! One of my daddies will call me and ask how his sweet girl is doing. I start pretty sweet, telling him I’m ok, I’ve been a good girl, blah blah blah, LOL! But soon, I just can’t help myself. My voice gets whinier and more demanding. “Daddddyyyy, I need more money!” I huff, my […]
September 5, 2012

Diaper Daddy

  I am looking for a fun, sexy, imaginative Diaper Daddy for some flirtatious phone role play. I have loads of stories about what I like to do and have done in my diapers and would love to hear yours. I have really been getting  into my diaper fetish more and more lately, sometimes wearing almost 24/7 for days at a time. And when I am by myself  and diapered, I like to get on the phone and swap titillating diaper stories with hot diapered Daddies. Then maybe you can change my diaper […]
August 4, 2012

Messy Diapers

My favorite kinda diaper is a messy diaper! A fresh diaper always feels good, nice and soft against my bottom, but a messy diaper feels the best. It’s warm and squishy makes me feel like the little ABy I am. Sometimes I feel shy about making my diaper messy. Daddy has to help me when I feel shy. He holds me in his arms and rubs my diapered bottom while he rocks me. If I’m having a really hard time, he slips his hand inside the back of my diaper […]
June 25, 2012

phone vixen mom

Phone vixen mom Crissy gets to talk with some very fun people. One of my fave callers likes me to tell him how I would dress him as an abie honeypie. I like to put him in an adult abie onesie and matching blue abie booties he enjoys mommy’s bountiful breast’s filled with milk jus for quenching his thirst. I always remember he loves to have bambino diapers and the best baby lotion for his little bitty bottom. I make sure that he is satisfied and very happy with all […]
June 25, 2012

phone vixen mom

Phone vixen mom Crissy gets to talk with some very fun people. One of my fave caller’s likes me to tell him how I would dress him as an abie honeypie. I like to put him in an adult abie onesie and matching blue abie booties he enjoys mommy’s bountiful breast’s filled with milk jus for quenching his thirst. I always remember he loves to have bambino diapers and the best baby lotion for his little bitty bottom. I make sure that he is satisfied and very happy with all […]
June 24, 2012

Mommy Maggie Gave Me A Spanking

I was spanked and spanked good the other day! I was in the chat room, just minding my own business. Doing what every other red blooded American Diaper Girl does…drawing with blue marker all over Mommy Maggie’s kitchen…and I got spanked for it! Oh and I also put a live bunny in the fridge, BUT I told her not to look in there! She picked me up and spanked me, over my pretty frilly diaper cover, right there in front of EVERYONE! I don’t think that was fair at all! […]
June 24, 2012

Sissy Training

  I have a sissy who is so proud to be a sissy. And who wouldn’t be? Proud, that is. Everyone loves sissies. Every time I change his diaper it’s glaringly obvious why he’s a sissy. He was born with itty bitty sissy parts and I love to tease him for it. Best part, he loves to be teased. We’re a perfect fit. But he’s torn about coming out as sissy to his friends and I’m trying help him understand they probably already know. Sissies can’t hide their sissiness. His […]
June 6, 2012

Mommy crissy’s ab nursery

Mommy crissy’s ab nursery is jam packed with plenty of diapers,wipes,powders and all sorts of toys. Once you step foot in front of my door you just let all your stress melt away and your transformed into a sweet ab little one. Mommy will put you in a nice fresh cloth diaper and mommy really enjoy’s wearing herself. Relax in the big abdl crib with me as we play with big rubber blocks and i get such a big thrill out of hearing my abies happy noises when we have […]
June 6, 2012

Mommy crissy’s ab nursery

Mommy crissy’s ab nursery is jam packed with plenty of diapers,wipes,powders and all sorts of toys. Once you step foot in front of my door you just let all your stress melt away and your transformed into a sweet ab little one. Mommy will put you in a nice fresh cloth diaper and mommy really enjoy’s wearing herself. Relax in the big abdl crib with me as we play with big rubber blocks and i get such a big thrill out of hearing my abies happy noises when we have […]
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