January 15, 2023

A Special Treat from Mommy Candy

    If you are a good boy, mommy will reward you with a special treat.  A very special, naughty treat.  Mommy knows how that peepee gets excited in your diaper, and mommy knows that you’ve been a good baby and didn’t play with yourself without mommy’s permission. Since you have been so well behaved for mommy, mommy will make that hard peepee feel better.  Mommy will strip you of all your clothes but your diaper.  Then mommy will lay you down and make you all comfy.  As soon as […]
June 7, 2019

Sweet Giantess Mommy

What abdl wouldn’t want a giantess mommy, a woman large enough to hold you and coddle you as if you were just a child, a little baby? She would cradle you in her arms while pulling you up towards her breasts, while they press down all along your body, your hands squeezing and stroking her warm flesh with her nipple fills your mouth.  Her hands would rub down your back, her fingers running through your hair while you breastfeed from your Mommy!  Milk will fill your mouth as you suckle, […]
December 7, 2018

Silly Adult Babies Get Spankings

  So, what do you think I should be doing with you? You are a silly adult baby, and you think that you can say no to me when I’m telling you to come over to me so I can put you back in your diaper after your bath? If you are thinking for just a second that there might be the slightest chance that I won’t bend you over my lap and smack your little bottom till it’s red and you will be crying so hard that you won’t […]
November 14, 2016


I can not believe I just found you in little girl panties. Are those the ones I told you couldn’t have last week at the supermarket? Where did you get them! I certainly never bought those for you! You’ve been what!? Stealing from my wallet! How dare you! I think a fair punishment is what you need. To your room right now! You know the problem isn’t that you want to wear ladies’ panties, it’s the part where you stole from mommy. After everything you want you adult diapers and […]
November 13, 2016

Diaper Wearing

Hi, there all you sweet Diaper Lovers I just have a question! I want you to tell me how diapers make you feel and do you like your Abdl mommy to also wear with you?I know I also wear and I absolutely love the way they make me feel! I feel secure and nice and cozy, I love how they feel when they are nice and wet and warm from freshly peeing in them! Don’t you? What about when you poop in them? The mushy comfy feeling of them  it […]
October 15, 2016

Look At My Naughty Husband!

What is this? Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you loved wearing Adult diapers? Are you kidding me, you little fucking baby! I always knew you wasn’t a man, and after seeing this I know you are definitely not one!What am I going to do with you? Well, first I want you to take off all of your clothes, and take all of the ones out of the closet!Now I want you to cut them all up! Don’t give me that face! And I am no longer your […]
September 11, 2016

Are You Painting Mommy A Pretty Picture?

Look at your playing in your messy diaper for mommy! What a cute Adult baby Boy you are making your Abdl mommy a beautiful picture! Mommy loves it! Can I help you sweet baby, mommy would love to sit and play with you. Can mommy Breastfeed you while you’re all covered in your poopy? Mommy Tawny Loves Toilet play, just like you do! So come on my sweet baby let’s get you latched on, and you feel the warm liquid going down your throat. How does that taste sweet baby […]
April 14, 2016

In Trouble pt 2

Still pulling her by the ear I placed her in the corner and told her she better not think of moving out of that corner.  I grabbed the straight-backed chair from our kitchen and placed it in front of the large bay window and then opened up the blinds and drew back the curtains.  Next I told the penitent little baby girl to crawl over to me.  I sat down in the chair and pulled my little ABy girl up so she was standing in front of me.  Unzipped the […]
April 12, 2016

Pegging Phone Sex Training With Crissy

Well it looks like we’re finally done with your pegging phone sex training! Looks like you’re finally ready to try your first real cock. Are you excited? I know you’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. Normal people have dreams of becoming famous or becoming rich but all you wanted to do growing up was to be able to suck as much cock as you can. But you always pussed out in the end. That’s why you’re calling me now! I’m not going to let you back […]
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