June 19, 2022

Soon You Will Be My Sissy

    Through diaper sissy hypnosis while you are sleeping, mommy will turn you into her good little girl.  You will go to bed, mommy’s good boy and wake up mommy’s naughty little sissy slut.  Mommy will convert you and you will enjoy every minute of it. Mommy will use sissification to strip you of all your maleness and make you into the perfect little skirt wearing sissy.  You will become feminine in every way possible.  How you look, how you dress, how you speak and how you sound. Mommy […]
March 13, 2022

Let Mommy Tell You A Story

    Mommy has lots of abdl stories she could share with you, but mommy’s choice for tonight is involving abdl humiliation.  And what is more so, than a grown adult being turned into a diaper baby.  A helpless little one that needs a mommy to take care of all their necessities. Mommy takes you and strips you completely naked, no need for those type of clothes anymore.  As you stand there blushing and trying to cover yourself, your new mommy takes and leads you into the bathroom.  Mommy points […]
January 16, 2022

Fantasizing About Being A Good Little Diaper Sissy Finally Came True

I know that I have a major diaper fetish and  I have always fantasized about being a good little diaper sissy. For me the fun and excitement is not just about being controlled by a mommy or a mistress but the clothes are a big part of it all for me.  I first heard about abdl by hearing a friend of mine tell abdl stories over the phone. At first I pretended that I was not eavesdropping and listening to every single thing that was said, because I did not […]
May 7, 2021

Become Mommy’s ABDL SISSY

    Through diaper sissy hypnosis, mommy can make you her very own little pretty pink adult baby sissy.  Mommy will have so much fun picking out cute little outfits for you to wear and then dressing you up and showing you off. You might act like you don’t like it, but mommy knows better.  Mommy knows you secretly like everyone staring at you and whispering about you.  Mommy knows how much you love being the center of attention. With sissification, mommy and princess will definitely have everyone talking about […]
January 31, 2021

You Will Be Mommy’s New Baby Girl

    For misbehaving earlier in the day, your punishment will be a little abdl humiliation.  Mommy is very disappointed in her little one.  Since you want to act like that, mommy will make sure you know what it is like to be just that. Mommy stands you in front of her and tells you to look into her eyes…look deeply into mommy’s eyes, do not look away.  As you stare into mommy’s eyes, mommy starts to slowly undress you.  Mommy never breaks eye contact as she slides her hands […]
March 9, 2020

Sissy Baby Hypnosis Will Put You In Your Place!

I know you must be very surprised right now. It’s definitely not everyday that a grown man wakes up in such a cute little outfit!  I suppose it’s a good thing then that you aren’t a grown man anymore.  Do you remember those hypnosis sessions that I was finally able to nag you to go to?  I know I got really pushy with those, but that’s because I was so impatient to see you all dressed up like the brand new silly sissy baby you are now! That hypnotist is […]
December 19, 2019

Forced To Be Diapered Sissy

Sometimes turning your husband or boyfriend into a sissy baby really is the best option. If he not listening, being brash and arrogant, acting as though that dick between his legs gives him the clear ability to act first and not think at all, a healthy amount of humiliation can go far to changing that attitude for the better! A few laxatives and water pills that he doesn’t realize are in his food or drinks, a surprising need for diapers, and it will end up with him in frilly pink […]
September 22, 2019

Silly AB Playtime

Jimmie giggled as he ripped open another pack of abdl diapers, stacking them between the gaps in his makeshift diaper fort. Deeply lost in his littlespace playtime, the overgrown diaper lover burbled and cooed to himself as he continued his innocent mess making.  Silly baby Jimmie just wanted to play little prince in his baby fort when he saw the perfect thing to complete his decoration with! His Mommy domme would be so proud of him, he thought as he grabbed the pretty pink bottle of baby powder. He was […]
April 2, 2019

Pathetic Diaper Loser

My Mommy domme friends and I just love swapping stories about our regressed diaper slaves and how far they’ve come as our sissy adult babies! Mommy Mimi and I were talking about her naughty little diaper boy Nicky and how she has helped his girlfriend totally transform him into a helpless diaper bitch. After seeing the pictures of him in his full, messy diaper pants and abdl onesie I couldn’t stop giggling! I told her we need to post them all over the place so everyone can see how much […]
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