August 22, 2015

Mommy Knows Best

Hello baby! I am Mommy Ava! I have been taking care of ABDLs for a few years now and I love it. I have decided to bring my great experiences and love of diapers to YOU. That tight white mushy diaper feels so good against your hinny, you like the white diapers that stain when you allow yourself to tinkle in them; it’s warm and spreads along the front, and to your hinny. This makes you feel nice and warm all over but you want to please Mommy so you […]
August 4, 2015

Show And Tell With Mommy Ava

One of my all time favorite adult baby naughty games that I like to play is peek a boo, and hide and go seek. My little baby thinks he is slick, and that I don’t know about how he likes to crawl out of his crib in the middle of the night, and peek in to mommy’s bedroom and watch me undress. My baby is too little to realize that I can hear the crinkling of his diaper, as he rubs his little pee pee, and peeks from behind my […]
August 2, 2015

Sissy Slut for Mommy

Being the sweet and loving ABDL mommy that I am, I really loving getting to play with sissy sluts! I have so many fun ideas to put my little sissy through. Do you have the desire in your heart to come to my nursery and let me take care of you? Sissification can be so much fun when you’re with me! Just put your trust in mommy, and I will show you all sorts of wonderful things! I’ve filled the closet in the nursery with so many dresses and shoes […]
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