April 5, 2012

Rubber pants lover

I have many phone friend’s that are so wonderful to to talk to and now I have a new friend I call him my rubber pants lover. He likes me to hear him moving in his rubber pants and he loves it when I talk about slipping my hand under them. He loves to slip them on and off while we are in a phone session. He also is way into diapers loves em can not get enough of them. We talk about how the smell of the soft plastic […]
January 25, 2012

Latex Diaper

Well now, isn’t this quite interesting – a latex diaper.  Now for some, a pair of rubber pants to go over a soft, thick cloth diaper is a staple in your “special” arsenal.  Having a cloth diaper held in place with such a tight fitting garment ads to the over all experience in diaper wearing.  For them, simply wearing plastic pants/panties over a cloth diaper, or a disposable diaper for that matter, just doesn’t due a diaper justice.  Though both will generate and hold in a great deal of heat […]
January 14, 2012

Adult Babies Plastic Pants

Look at these plastic pants, dont you just love them! I sure do. And I am looking forward to put my diaper lovers and adult babies in these babies for the New Year Celebration! I want you to look and feel like the Baby you Are! And that begins with Mommy making you look as good as you can with these stylish and leak protection of course LOL. Looking forward to a Diaper Filled New Year! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
November 21, 2011

dl games

  I like to play games with adult babies and with other diaper lovers. One I really enjoy is about desperation. Who can hold out and keep their pee in the longest. The game is pretty self explanatory but you can add other twists. The last time I played we did it with a drinking game. I can’t even begin to explain how badly I had to pee, but I held so ridiculously long. Finally there was no holding it and I had to tell him I gave up and […]
November 9, 2011


Poor little peepee pants Sammy. What am I going to do with him? He tells me these hilarious stories about being a man, and about being a big boy who is too big for diapers. That’s not what the wet spots on his jeans say though. Those wet spots to me say I need a diaper, someone please diaper me. If you saw pee pee pants Sammy walking around wet as rain what would you do? He thinks I’m a meanie for saying maybe I should put him in diapers. […]
November 3, 2011

Nap Time

  I always like to have a ritual when it comes to nap time.  A fresh diaper is always first, as I softly talk to you.  Next we gather your favorite stuffed animal, you blankie, and a fresh baba.  Then I gently put you in your crib and pull out Goodnight Moon to read to you.  And if you are a good abie, I will gently pat your thickly padded tushie until you drift off to dreamland.  See, nap time isn’t a bad time after all, is it?   Your […]
October 24, 2011

dl Mommy and diapers for you too

  What’s wrong with this picture? Can you all see it? She’s missing her soft thick adult diaper. Now do you see it? Are you missing yours? Do you need a dl mommy to get you into one? All of these questions I know, but I also know that you probably do need your diaper on you. Just like little Miss Pumpkin bottom does. You simply can’t go out this Halloween without Mommy putting your diaper on you.   DL Mommy Josie  
October 10, 2011

adult baby cry baby

When grown men act like spoiled little infants I know just what to do to them. Usually while I watch their temper tantrums I think about how they’d look in a dress and an adult diaper. This makes me giggle which can upset them more, but it’s their own fault really. If these men could control their tempers I wouldn’t have any reason to think about forcing them into a diaper and treating them like a baby. I don’t see anything wrong with a little day dreaming about forced abdl […]
September 29, 2011

adult plastic pants

  These teddies bear plastic pants are adorable aren’t they? I need some for my cloth diapers and I wouldn’t mind putting them on a diaper lover or adult baby either. Usually, I wear disposables myself, but every now and again I want to slip on some adult cloth diapers. Maybe these would be cute for an ab boy in diapers and Mommy could get her some girly ones huh? How many pairs of plastic pants for adults do you have in your drawer?   Mommy Josie Ab dl Mommy […]
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