September 26, 2012

Hooray for Boobs!!

Hooray for Boobs I know all the little one’s love em!! I get so much breastfeeding fetish calls I absolutely adore having ab suckle as I rock him in my big comfy rocking chair& sing him nursery rhymes. Then when he is all done he slips off mommie’s nipple and curls right up on my lap like a little,bitty puppy all tuckered out from his full day of playing with his toys and other ab babies as well. Boobs also serve as great pillows for ab’s to rest their heads […]
September 13, 2012

Locking Punishment Pants

Well now, my naughty naughty little one – yes you!  You know very well that I’m talking to you.  Did you honestly think I wasn’t going to find out what you did?  And then not only lying right to my face, but getting mouthy and fresh about it as well – tsk tsk tsk. I have the perfect item that will help all you bad Abies know where the boundaries and what will and what will not be put up with.   After I get you thickly diapered, Mommy will lock […]
September 10, 2012

Spanking Time

Cloth diapers feel so good against that bare bottom so soft gently snuggled up to you.You wet that diaper and look around for someone to change you not hearing anyone voices or sounds you search from room to room.I had changed you not long ago i should have known you would wet that cloth diaper as soon as possible knowing you .As you enter the area i am in you look at me with tears in those big eyes of yours thinking i am going to be upset because your […]
August 29, 2012

Electric Diaper Training

Oh my, when I saw this I almost wet myself!!  How absolutely delicious!  I’m thinking, this I have GOT to get!  And they even come with suggestions on the use of such a device.  Thought I would share and let a few of my little ones know what’s in store for them, hehe:   THE TEST SHOCK: You will be put into the training diapers, then asked to wet. The the voltage is then slowly increased to find your waking pain threshold. The level is then increased to +15% NIGHT […]
August 14, 2012

Wet diapers

Wet diapers hanging on the line the wind blowing them every which way it decides to blow they flap so sweetly in the breeze.The meadow is flowering within its blooms all the reds,blues,yellow,purple hues following the wind as it blows the diapers all nice and dry.The smell of those diapers drying on the line is so sweet and you smile down at the little ones knowing they will soon have even more for you to wash and hang on that line. Because that is what they do best is wet […]
July 26, 2012

Mommy’s hot diaper house

Oh yes, come and play at Mommy’s hot diaper houseI will make sure you enjoy your stay. I have a whole lot of cute little one’s for you to play with and I have you for them and Mommy to play with as well. What ever your heart desire’s Mommy Crissy has it all my diaper house is very well equipped with the latest in diapering technology. A ton of different diaper brands and all sorts of colored rubber pant’s for the naughty or sweet ab. I have quite a […]
July 26, 2012

Mommy’s hot diaper house

Oh yes, come and play at Mommy’s hot diaper house will make sure you enjoy your stay. I have a whole lot of cute little one’s for you to play with and I have you for them and Mommy to play with as well. Whatever your heart desire Mommy Crissy has it all my diaper house is very well equipped with the latest in diapering technology. A ton of different diaper brands and all sorts of colored rubber pant’s for the naughty or sweet ab. I have quite a few hot […]
July 26, 2012

TLD: Tender Loving Diapering

Ya know, sometimes you just need to be coddled, nurtured.  To know, without a doubt that someone cares and loves you and wants to make sure that you not only know it, but feel it from the depths of their soul. I believe that’s what occurs during a diapering. It’s a time where both the diaperer and the diaperee get to be transported to a place where nothing else exists, save the two of them.  There are no outside pressures, no every day worries or stresses.  Time seems to stop […]
July 11, 2012

Pink Ruffles

I have something so special for you my cute little sissy it’s something so adorable I know that you will enjoy wearing these cute pink ruffled panties. But you only get these on one condition sweetie you have to in front of all my friends while wearing them. Oh, are you saying you don’t want to do that well why not I see you staring at them? See that mouth drooling those fingers itching to get them on oh so you will do as I ask and wear them in […]
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