August 30, 2012

Wish for a sweet diapermom

I am here at your command in my silky genie garb waiting for you to decide on what you want for your wish maybe you should wish for a sweet diapermom,that sound’s wonderful does’nt it? I cross my arms & nod my head. Before your very eye’s I am transformed from a genie with shiny hair into a very sweet and sexy mommy. Your wildest dreams come true right before your very eyes. I am equipped with arms that can always make you happy and also cuddle &soothe abie. I […]
August 29, 2012

Electric Diaper Training

Oh my, when I saw this I almost wet myself!!  How absolutely delicious!  I’m thinking, this I have GOT to get!  And they even come with suggestions on the use of such a device.  Thought I would share and let a few of my little ones know what’s in store for them, hehe:   THE TEST SHOCK: You will be put into the training diapers, then asked to wet. The the voltage is then slowly increased to find your waking pain threshold. The level is then increased to +15% NIGHT […]
August 20, 2012

Panty Thief

I look outside my front window watching the neighbors drive by raining falling gently down.The weather has been extremely hot these last few days.The house seems to soak the heat up and not letting the air do its job.So wear the least clothing possible.I know i am a hot and sexy woman but at this moment the water is pouring off of me.Think i will go and take a nice cold shower and see if that helps.I start back into the bathroom and what do i see you my little […]
August 12, 2012

Diaper Phone Sex

Do you want to know what’s even hotter than diaper phone sex? Getting fucked in one. Seriously it’s one of the most exciting things I’ve had happen to me and it makes my pussy really wet. I just imagine myself reaching inside the plastic, the repetitive crinkling sound as I stroke your thick cock to life. I like to cut a hole in the diaper and slip your cock through it so you can fuck me with it on. I’d push you down on to your back and mount you, the feeling […]
August 12, 2012

The Amazing Diapered Adult

One thing that always surprises me is how many new callers and visitors we get at out site each week. Who knew there were so many adults interested in wearing diapers? And I love hearing from each of you. I’d like you to post your stories here about how you found your way to wearing diapers. Is it something you’ve been doing since high school? Something you started in your 20’s? What piqued your interest? Cloth or disposable? Plastic pants or just the natural crinkles of your disposable diaper? Raise […]
July 30, 2012

Droopy Diaper

Cloth diapers feel so good against that bare bottom so soft gently snuggled up to you.You wet that diaper and look around for someone to change you not hearing anyone voices or sounds you search from room to room.I had changed you not long ago i should have known you would wet that cloth diaper as soon as possible knowing you little imp lol.As you enter the area i am in you look at me with tears in those big eyes of yours thinking i am going to be upset […]
July 23, 2012


Baby girl loves her Pink panties don’t you sweetie Granny Minnie just has to see you prance and dance around the room in those cute pink panties.You didn’t think so at first but now just look at you all smiles on that sweet face of yours,wearing those panties and a pink tee and ballerina slippers,just becareful and don’t fall i know how excited you get when you get to dance for me.I think that it might be time to enroll you in some dance classes how about that we can […]
July 20, 2012

Toilet Play Phone Sex With Jenna

Another hot toilet play phone sex call:  So I have this caller who calls me and always says the same thing.  “Jenna I had an accident”  This loser poops and pees his pants almost everyday but still calls it an accident.  What a loser! Accidents don’t happen everyday and only babies pee and poop themselves. You need to be in diapers like a baby and every time you have an accident, I’m forced to spank his bare bottom as he lies across my lap.  I have to spank his bottom […]
July 2, 2012


Did you get a chance to see a display i sure hope so i went and saw one on the water it was just awesome they had fireworks coming out of the water from where i was sitting it was like stars coming down on top of you but not touching you then all would be so quiet it was like you could hear the crickets sounds then BOOM here they would start again rising out of the water into the still of the night. Took some pics want to […]
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