January 31, 2021

Turning My ABDL Babies Into abdl Sissies

Naughty abdl babies have many so many ways to be disciplined and there are so many abdl stories that I can share that relates to all of the many ways I discipline my babies.  No matter what, there so many adult baby diaper lovers that love to be disciplined.  Sometimes when my adult baby diaper lovers are naughty,  I would make sure to force them to dress up as sissies and invite my friends over to the house.  You should see the look of shock and severe embarrassment on the […]
December 26, 2020

Teaching My Naughty ABDL A Much Needed Lesson

My adult baby diaper lover set his alarm and got up early to make me a delicious and healthy breakfast.  He knew that I am very careful with what eat so he took that into consideration when he prepared me my breakfast. I woke up to the smell of various tantalizing aromas emanating from my kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and everything was ready for me to consume, but there was a little problem. Instead of waiting for me to arrive before he started to eat, he decided to […]
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