June 27, 2019

Games With Mommy!

When my favorite abdl calls me for some mommy domme phone sex I love to play a little game with him and my big diaper bag. I show him what it looks like and ask what he thinks is inside, playing a quick little peekaboo to give him a hint. Sometimes, Mommy is feeling nice and it’s a fun surprise like a new adult baby pacifier or a cuddly stuffed animal. But other times, especially if my diaper lover little one has been acting up lately, I like to hide […]
September 11, 2016

Are You Painting Mommy A Pretty Picture?

Look at your playing in your messy diaper for mommy! What a cute Adult baby Boy you are making your Abdl mommy a beautiful picture! Mommy loves it! Can I help you sweet baby, mommy would love to sit and play with you. Can mommy Breastfeed you while you’re all covered in your poopy? Mommy Tawny Loves Toilet play, just like you do! So come on my sweet baby let’s get you latched on, and you feel the warm liquid going down your throat. How does that taste sweet baby […]
October 10, 2015

Public Breastfeeding with Mommy Jenna

I love breastfeeding my adult baby in public. It makes me feel like I am the center of the universe. We slink off to a private little corner where people can still see us but they pay less attention. Everyone who can see us stares at us. Some people are confused by us. Some are disgusted by us. But anyone who knows the sissy baby lifestyle is insanely jealous of us. People watch you lay your head on my chest and pull the collar of my shirt below my breasts […]
August 22, 2015

Mommy Knows Best

Hello baby! I am Mommy Ava! I have been taking care of ABDLs for a few years now and I love it. I have decided to bring my great experiences and love of diapers to YOU. That tight white mushy diaper feels so good against your hinny, you like the white diapers that stain when you allow yourself to tinkle in them; it’s warm and spreads along the front, and to your hinny. This makes you feel nice and warm all over but you want to please Mommy so you […]
August 22, 2015

Bath Time with Mommy Liz

Bath time with my adult babies is always fun time. When we slip that adult diaper off and climb into a nice warm bubble bath together you giggle and clap, playing with the bubbles. I love wash your back and soap up your hair. We give each other bubble beards and I kiss your soapy face. Your eyes fall to my milk filled breasts and I ask if your hungry. You nod, bubbles sliding down your chin. I pull you in closer and push your face near my breast. I love […]
August 2, 2015

Sissy Slut for Mommy

Being the sweet and loving ABDL mommy that I am, I really loving getting to play with sissy sluts! I have so many fun ideas to put my little sissy through. Do you have the desire in your heart to come to my nursery and let me take care of you? Sissification can be so much fun when you’re with me! Just put your trust in mommy, and I will show you all sorts of wonderful things! I’ve filled the closet in the nursery with so many dresses and shoes […]
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