December 7, 2018

Silly Adult Babies Get Spankings

  So, what do you think I should be doing with you? You are a silly adult baby, and you think that you can say no to me when I’m telling you to come over to me so I can put you back in your diaper after your bath? If you are thinking for just a second that there might be the slightest chance that I won’t bend you over my lap and smack your little bottom till it’s red and you will be crying so hard that you won’t […]
July 2, 2018

Adult Baby / Diaper Lovers / Age Play

Do you have a diaper fetish and find yourself part of the bdsm world? It seems the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand for many abdl’s but you can see a correlation for yourself. That being said you don’t find that a bad thing. The bdsm world is very exotic and varied in its pursuits and you do enjoy the freedom that gives you on a personal level. Do you find that it is a path of discovery? By that I mean you are not 100% sure where it […]
March 26, 2018

Diaper Cummies

  Mommy’s little baby boy woke up this morning with a funny tickle in his wittle bitty pee pee. Wriggling around his crib on his belly, baby boy starts to rub his crinkly adult baby diaper against the softness of his crib. Ooo, what is this feeling welling up inside your little self? Mommy is watching from the doorway as her little stinker rubs and wriggles all over his crib, his diapered bottom waving in the air. Baby’s pee pee feels good like that, but even better when Mommy comes […]
January 15, 2018

Naughty ABDL Diaper Fun

You feel like a very naughty adult baby in your diapers, don’t you? They’re so soft against your skin, the cottony inside, and the smooth baby powder, that you just can’t help but get more than a little excited inside of your diaper.  Your baby peepee rubs against it, and I can always tell what’s going on by the expression on your face!  You start to blush, and bite your lip, and I have to tell you to take care of your little problem, because you can’t walk around like […]
January 18, 2017

Adult Baby Gets A Trip To The Doctor Part Two!

So I get finish putting your Adult Diaper on and then get you dressed in your really cute wittle outfit and then pack you a diaper bag with 10 diapers a pack of wipes, two bottles with formula already pre-made in them so I only need to add water, and rash cream, a change of clothes and a sippy cup that has some apple juice for the ride there. and a bag of snacks. And oh I almost forgot plenty of plastic pants. I slide on your shoes and your […]
November 13, 2016

Diaper Wearing

Hi, there all you sweet Diaper Lovers I just have a question! I want you to tell me how diapers make you feel and do you like your Abdl mommy to also wear with you?I know I also wear and I absolutely love the way they make me feel! I feel secure and nice and cozy, I love how they feel when they are nice and wet and warm from freshly peeing in them! Don’t you? What about when you poop in them? The mushy comfy feeling of them  it […]
October 15, 2016

Look At My Naughty Husband!

What is this? Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you loved wearing Adult diapers? Are you kidding me, you little fucking baby! I always knew you wasn’t a man, and after seeing this I know you are definitely not one!What am I going to do with you? Well, first I want you to take off all of your clothes, and take all of the ones out of the closet!Now I want you to cut them all up! Don’t give me that face! And I am no longer your […]
September 11, 2016

Are You Painting Mommy A Pretty Picture?

Look at your playing in your messy diaper for mommy! What a cute Adult baby Boy you are making your Abdl mommy a beautiful picture! Mommy loves it! Can I help you sweet baby, mommy would love to sit and play with you. Can mommy Breastfeed you while you’re all covered in your poopy? Mommy Tawny Loves Toilet play, just like you do! So come on my sweet baby let’s get you latched on, and you feel the warm liquid going down your throat. How does that taste sweet baby […]
July 24, 2016

Adult Baby Phone Sex Mommy Crissy

Do you need a nice abdl phone sex mommy to pamper you and take care of all your adult baby needs? Well look no further because I want to be the sweet loving nurturing adult baby phone sex mommy you’ve been looking for all along! Do you need a mommy to talk to about your favorite diapers? Maybe about how much you love your teddy bear Bambinos or maybe how you messed them and you need a mommy to change you? You’ll never have to worry about any of those […]
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